my fave flower

my fave flower

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Brainwashed by McDonalds, it has happened to us all..

I have come to the conclusion that McDonalds is a cult. Their brainwashing machine begins at an early age. The large, bright, colourful "M" hypnotising young impressionable eyes, to the promise of a toy when you buy their meals sealing the deal. Instantaneously, on viewing the yellow 'M", children's eyes glaze over and the monotone words "take me to McDonalds" keep being repeated until parents cave under pressure. A funny clown to make the kids laugh and brainwash them a little more about how much fun a burger can be to eat,  and McDonalds have the followers swarming into their store. Personally, I think that Ronald McDonald is one of the scariest characters ever to walk this earth. His huge red mouth could consume a small child in one knash of his teeth.

McDonalds is available in almost every country in the world. There are very few places you can travel and not view the golden arches. A global triumph on McDonalds part. In Thailand, a statue of Ronald McDonald, the voice of the company, stands tall at the door with his hands together, as if in prayer. I know this is actually to provide a Thai greeting to the customer, but five thousand years from now when he is dug up by archeologists, he may be seen as a religious icon of our times. His non-biodegradable body surviving the decomposition process. Millions of happy meal toys will also be dug up, disciples of Ronald McDonald. Hail the messiah "Ronald McDonald" and all his tiny minions. Hamburglar the devil incarnate, his life turned around by the good influence of Ronald McDonald. His eternal soul saved to visit that large fast food palace in the sky.

I am as guilty as the rest of the population , through sheer exhaustion and desperation I too have been brainwashed into taking my children to McDonalds and selling my soul for an hours peace. How much peace was needed is seen in the number of Mchappy meal toys I found when cleaning out the spare room.Sending the children off to the playground with a pig fat ice-cream whilst I had a cup of coffee and read the paper was heaven on earth. All I can say is (the devil) sorry Ronald McDonald made me do it....

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Another celebrity has passed away from a drug overdose. Should we feel sorry for a man found with 50 bags of heroin in his apartment? Should we feel compassion for a man who has left for his children the legacy of the last known comments made about their father was that he died with a needle hanging from his arm?

As the media are delving into the archives to find every last picture and every crumb of information on Philip Seymour Hoffman's life so they can dissect all aspects of his 46 years, a family is left grieving. Did they notice the direction he was heading? Was his drug taking such a big part of his life that his behaviour while "high" was the norm? I am perplexed a man of his intelligence and means did not attempt to clean up his life, if not for himself but for those he loved and who loved him. He had the wealth to overcome his addiction, which proves to me he didn't want to fight the demon. I know, I know, I should walk in anothers shoes before making judgement, but there is help out there if you so seek, especially if you are wealthy.

The saddest part of this story is Philip Seymour Hoffman is not only going to be remembered for his brilliance as an actor, it is going to  be remembered that he died with a needle in his arm.