There is no easy way to leave a house that has been home for 30 years. Our DNA is ingrained in its walls and floors. Our babies were bought home from hospital to this house, possibly even conceived under its very roof. If the carpet was to be lifted in the family room, tiny paint footprints would be seen scattered randomly along the floor where a little foot toddled into the paint. Ghosts of a young couple embarking on a journey of home ownership lurk at the front door. Not knowing what the future held, but promises of an adventure. Echoes of the laughter of childhood parties, 21st’s and parties we never knew about can be heard whispering in my ears as I walk the now empty rooms.
Surrounded by trees, our home was a sanctuary to native birds. Waking up every morning to the view of my trees, telling me the day would be ok, calming me, and soothing any anxiety dwelling within. Kookaburra’s letting me know the day had begun. A large gum tree out the front was a source of fun to ours, as well as the neighbourhood children. Many a time a child was rescued from the clutches of the branches of our uber giant gum tree. This tree formed the backdrop to formal photo’s, as well as being a gym centre for our cat Benji. Benji, our sixth family member , is buried in the back yard, along with various birds and goldfish. Or is he? a mysterious pot has appeared at the new house with the tree from Benji’s grave in it. Now i’m just getting creepy.
Our new house is only in the next suburb. Constantly having to go back to our old home is like ripping a bandaid off very slowly, very painfully. A little piece of my heart withers every time I return to our old home. They say a house is only four wall, and it is the people living within which make it a home. This may be true, but within those wall are the love, laughter, tears and memories of thirty years of living. So much has changed since we first set foot into that house. We are embarking on a new journey and will make new memories in our new home. Despite being embalmed in a melancholy sadness at the moment, this in time will lift and I will learn to embrace this next stage of our life, our new adventure.