Today I went and had my third tattoo. Previously I have had a butterfly on my ankle and a lady bug on my hip. After these small tattoos I said I was finished with defacing my body. I am asked by many as to why I went and had another tattoo. Midlife crisis? passed that. Rebellion? perhaps.Why have tattoos at all? Mostly because I wanted to shelve that image of myself, probably only an image in my own my mind, of the uptight princess I so often felt I was. The most recent tattoo I had because I wanted in place a memory of my trip overseas. While in Germany I fell in love with the edelweiss flowers and I thought a tattoo of these flowers was a fitting tribute to this amazing holiday.Having this tattoo made me feel free of convention, a tiny bit rebellious and I now have a pretty picture on my leg.
The pain was hard to bare but sometimes you just have suck it up and make pain your friend. At the end of the day it is like having a baby in that you have something wonderful to show for the pain at the end. Ok, maybe it's not quite like having a baby but you get what I mean. It is a pain I chose to partake in and a pain I was willing to endure.
So at the end of the day here I am with a third tattoo. Bigger than the others but prettier and more meaningful. Will I go back to have more artistry on this temple I call my body? Probably not, but I am not one to ever cut off all my options.
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