my fave flower

my fave flower

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Love them or hate them, this blog is about my love affair with snakes. Snakes in my opinion have been given an unfair rap, and all because Eve was a temptress. Seriously, i'm glad the snake whispered sweet nothings into Eves ear. Life would be pretty boring if she hadn't.

Is it because snakes are poisonous that they are so feared? Or maybe because they are carnivorous and quietly sneak up behind you. I find their cool, elongated bodies and beady black eyes rather mesmerising.The seductive slide of their body as they creep silently across the ground reminds me of a super model walking the catwalk. Confident, powerful and beautiful. Exuding an air of grace and sophistication.

Snakes in movies and literature have always been portrayed as insidious vessels of evil. Damn you Adam and Eve! Nagini in Harry Potter, Kaa in the Jungle Book and even Mara in Doctor Who perpetuates an evil persona. Maybe it is the ice cold blood running through their veins that have them depicted as devious monsters. I know a lot of warm blooded animals who create havoc and terror amongst the population. But I digress. When a person says one thing and means another he is said to be speaking with a forked tongue. I've never seen a dishonest snake. In fact what you see is what you get . A snake will only attack if threatened.

Sexual innuendos is also a cross that the poor snake must bear. How often do you hear of a penis being referred to as a trouser snake. Yes a snake is phallic in appearance and has a slippery, sliding demeanor, well maybe this comparison should be taken in its stride and accepted as a  compliment.

I want a pet snake (hear that Wayne Renshaw)I want to look in its beady little eyes. Have its cool shimmering body wrap itself around me and hug the life out of me. Like Salma Hayek in "Till Dusk till Dawn."If not I will have to continue my love affair with snakes from afar.

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