my fave flower

my fave flower

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Our life is but a garden of unplanted seeds. How our life pans out all depends upon how we look after this garden. Like planting the right seeds in the right season, the outcome of an experience in our life is often dependent on when we experience an event.The old age wisdom of overthinking often allows the loss of opportunities. The younger we are the more risks we take, which to my mind a good thing. When we are younger, we have our whole lives ahead of us, we don't fear failure as we have our whole life to catch up. An opportunity which comes our way when we are young will often have a completely different outcome than had this opportunity occurred in later life. Later in life we have children, mortgages, and are not willing to take the risks we would have when footloose, young and fancy free. Sometimes risks that would have proved successful had we been willing to jump in at the deep end..How we react to an experience depends upon when in our life this experience occurs.Our judgement is age related.Immaturity often clouds judgement. Rebellion often clouds judgement. Inexperience often clouds judgement. 

We can meet the right person at the wrong time in our lives. Wrong season.An example of this is my husband and me. I met him during high school, hung out with the same group of friends. We were not attracted to each other in the least. I was a giggly, dizzy teenager who felt the need for attention. He was a serious soul who had no time for silliness. Although our paths crossed it was not the moment for us to be together. We connected again later in life when I was not so silly and he was not so serious.

We need to nurture our life, look after it, just as we would a garden. Watering it regularly, fertilising it with ideas. Discarding all the weeds in our life, which could kill us or dull our senses. Ensure nothing toxic enters our soil to poison or disillusion us; thus preventing our flowers to bloom. Just as a garden has its season, so does our life. We bloom when happy and content, droop and wither when unhappy and unloved. Plants secure their nourishment through their roots, so do we. It is our core root system that ensures our survival. Who we love, how we love. Whether our roots have become rotted by toxic people in our lives, or toxic  experiences. Just as people and experiences can prove toxic to our lives, the right people and experiences can enrich our roots system. Spreading joy, enlightening us to the world around us. 

1 comment:

  1. Please quantify ... "A time when you were not so silly"?
