my fave flower

my fave flower

Monday, December 21, 2015


What would become of me I wondered, as the fear gripped the inner sanctions of my soul. The air surrounding me saturated with the urgency I felt to remove myself from the danger that had become my life. My fear making everything more dangerous. They could smell it. The energy my body generated, just fed their ego.It made them more confident in their ability to overcome me. Looking over my shoulder I could see them gaining. The distance between them and me becoming less with each passing moment. It was time to move. Jumping from my hiding space, I sprang into action. Like a long lost friend, my brain and feet re-connected. Speed became my friend. The monsters were big and cumbersome, I was small and nimble. Accelerating at lightening speed, wrapped in the energy oozing from every pore of my body. I ran and ran and ran until I could run no more. But, what was this, nothing behind me.They had given up, realising I was not such and easy target after all. Or maybe there were never any monsters. A creation of my fear, conjured up in retaliation to the conflict within my soul.

fiona r